Monday, June 20, 2011

Volunteers required! Sign up

We need a band of people to host an event or run it in your neighbourhood.
So if you are keen do contact us at -

We may have people who are willing to give you materials to hold a small exhibition. Would you like to make best use of this and have a show for your area / campus?

We may have experts who are willing to take a group of 25/30 people on a heritage walk. But they want one or two people to be the host and organiser! Want to be one?

There are some people who hold contests and are looking for young people to help. Can you spare 2 hours that day? Come along!

Madras Day/Week is all about networking and joining hands . . .

Our email

Some confirmed events . . .

The annual Madras Quiz is on.
Should be on August 28, Sunday.
The extra good news is that there is going to be a Madras Quiz for schools too.
The Quiz in Thamizh for students is also on.

The annual Heritage Project for Schools which encourages teams to present a PP presentation on a specific theme on the city is also on. August 23 is the date.

The Chennai T Shirt contest will roll in a few days! The best design gets on the Tee for 2012.

Chennai Heritage will host a series of Talks every day, Aug 21 to 28. But more will be held at other venues. Expect at least 20 talks.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Plans for Madras Week 2011

On June 13, the core catalysts of Madras Day (it has become Madras Week over the years) met at the Madras Cricket Club to initiate the plans for the celebrations this year.

The Madras Week will be from August 21 to 28, 2011.

Heritage walks are planned on all the days of the week.
A Madras Quiz for school students is on cards.
Exhibitions, talks, panel discussions, docu film screening relating to Madras and its heritage will be part of the celebrations as in the past years.

If you have ideas, do share with the team. Mail to